Category Archives: Technology

Bible Gateway Makes Changes

I am a big fan of Bible Gateway ( and use it almost daily. They recently did a remodel of their user interface for Scripture. It’s a taking me a little time to adjust to the new version, but when it’s all said and done, I think I’m going to conclude that it is a positive upgrade.

Below are a couple of screenshots which enable you to sample the difference. At minimum, I think you will agree the upgrade is cleaner and less cluttered.

BG old
The “Classic” site
BG new
The New Look

Vibram FiveFingers (TrekSport) – My New Shoes

Got some new shoes yesterday for my birthday. They are called Vibram FiveFingers. I got the black TrekSport model. Size 45 (European sizing). For years Vibram has been a leader in producing soles for shoes. But these minimalist shoes are designed to help you walk or run the way God designed you to do: not heel first. Some think they are ugly. I think they are cool:

I wore them most of the day yesterday. This morning I woke up to soreness in some leg muscles, which is very normal, since these shoes cause me to work muscles I typically don’t use. You can learn all about them at the FIVEFINGERS WEBSITE.

If you get a pair or already have a pair, let me know what you think.


I don’t know how some people are so creative as to come up with so many good tweets so many times a day. I’m doing good to tweet once a day. I try to tweet something encouraging or spiritually challenging, but occasionally a personal tweet gets sent out. I got a kick out of this and hope you do too:

Mohler on Apple’s Steve Jobs, Parenting, and P0RN

Political scientists and sociologists long ago came to the realization that one of the most significant indicators of political behavior is parenthood. Those who bear responsibility to raise children look at the world differently from those who do not. In fact, parenthood may be the most easily identifiable predictor of an individual’s position on an entire range of issues.Now, along comes Steve Jobs to prove the point. Jobs, the Maestro of Cool at Apple, recently engaged in a most interesting email exchange with Ryan Tate, who writes the “Valleywag” blog for the gossip Web site, Gawker.

On his initial email to Steve Jobs, Tate complained about what he described as a lack of freedom in Apple’s approach to the approval of products for its “App Store” for iPods, the iPhone, and the iPad. “If Dylan was 20 today, how would he feel about your company?,” Tate asked. “Would he think the iPad had the faintest thing to do with ‘revolution?’ Revolutions are about freedom.”

Apparently, Tate was upset about some of the restrictions put in place by Apple. Among those restrictions is a ban on pornography.

Steve Jobs threw Ryan Tate’s definition of freedom right back at him. Is Apple about freedom? “Yep,” said Jobs, “freedom from programs that steal your private data. Freedom from programs that trash your battery. Freedom from porn. Yep, freedom. The times they are a changin’.”

Read the rest of Dr. Mohler’s post HERE.

A Mac Man

Monday is my day off. So today I want to pause and say thanks to…Apple. I am one of those annoyingly satisfied Mac guys. I may not have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I have been on a Mac since 1992. Here are the seven Macs I have either owned or convinced my church to purchase for use:

My First Apple Computer

Performa 575 – During my first year of seminary, I got this through my Mom’s education discount. This wonderful computer lasted 10 years. It still functioned after our office was struck by lightning, but the image on the screen was distorted slightly thereafter.

Continue reading A Mac Man