Great Risk, Great Reward

I have previously recommended David Platt’s outstanding book, Radical. Below is a brief clip from Dr. Platt speaking (as a guest) at Cross Church of Springdale, Arkansas. It’s a good summary of his book.

Dear American Christian, how you respond to Platt’s message, either through the book or this video, reveals a lot about your brand of Christianity. Is your Christianity too influenced by the American materialistic mindset? How you respond to this critical message reveals a lot about the condition of your heart (Matthew 6:19-21).

You may actually be a Christian who claims to not to embrace the Health/Wealth gospel (aka prosperity gospel). But if you find yourself offended by Platt’s message or making excuses to get around it, you may need to probe your heart a little deeper…you may be more prosperity gospel than you care to admit.

You can watch the whole message HERE and you can order the book HERE.

On a side note, during David Platt’s message at this summer’s Pastor’s Conference, Matt Chandler (also on the program) tweeted that David Platt “preaches like he’s in pain and I’m grateful to God for him.” That’s funny. And true.

Interview with Prof. Grant Horner, pt. 3

This is the third and final installment of my interview with Professor Grant Horner (Prof. Horner’s Bible Reading System).  Tuesday and Wednesday featured parts One and Two.

Pastor Brett: You recommend using one Bible and sticking with it, and you mention the concern you had over Pastor John MacArthur asking to see your tattered Bible during your interview process. So what kind of Bible have you used all these years (version, binding, etc.)? Has it been rebound?

Professor Horner: I have a 1967 imprint Scofield Bible, given to me in new condition in 1983 by my father-in-law. It was rebound in 2002; by then the covers were all gone, the spine missing, and all the front matter up to Genesis 1 and the concordance past ‘sin’ — all gone. The rebind is still functioning but pretty worn! Maybe another two years or so. I am attaching a photo of my Bible in the dry brook at Elah …. surrounded by smooth stones, and open to the relevant passage. I also managed to find an exact printing of my same Scofield a few years ago, and I have kept that one clean, and shifted my reading to it (I preach from the old one; it is sentimental.)

Professor Horner’s Scofield Bible (KJV) in the dry brook of Elah, opened to the appropriate passage. And as Prof. Horner points out on his Facebook group page, “…not a giant in sight.”

Pastor Brett: If a new Christian were to ask you for the ideal Bible for life…how would you answer?

Continue reading Interview with Prof. Grant Horner, pt. 3

Interview with Prof. Grant Horner, pt. 2

Here is part 2 of my interview with Grant Horner, developer of Prof. Horner’s Bible Reading System. For part 1, click HERE.

Pastor Brett: Can you give a summary of your routine in terms of your daily devotional life?

Professor Horner: I am not a routine guy. The funny thing here is my use of the word “system” — I hate systems! But there was no other word.

I may have a week where I do not actually physically read the text hardly at all. Then in a whole day I may read through Job and Romans, or all four Gospels. Life is unpredictably rhythmic, and that’s ok. But — and this is key — the ‘non-reading’ days have the after-effects of all the imprinting. Scripture is constantly before me and informing my thoughts. I am in front of people all the time, teaching and speaking. I also do a lot of counseling. I rarely have to actually open the Bible — it is just accessible to my mind and I refer to it directly. Scripture itself talks about having the Word in your heart, your mind, almost physically in and on your body, like a necklace. We are to have the mind of Christ — that is, we must think like the Word.

Pastor Brett: Are there any dramatic testimonies that have come in about people using this plan?

Continue reading Interview with Prof. Grant Horner, pt. 2