Arguing on the Internet

I’ve participated in a few internet arguments in my day, especially several years ago when social interaction on the internet was fairly new. It didn’t take me very long at all to realize that arguing on the internet was about as fruitful as an orange tree in the arctic. Occasionally, though, I will step into the ring for a few minutes, not to argue, but to present some facts that might be relevant to the discussion. If someone tries to bait me into an argument, I leave. After all, if I’m going to waste time, I might as well waste it doing something more fun!

Just this week I defended a friend on the internet when I saw that someone was criticizing him with false information. In the comment section, I pointed out that it’s one thing to disagree with my friend’s approach to ministry, but quite another to make a charge against him that was factually false. I corrected the inaccuracy…the blog author responded by defending his perspective…I made one more comment to clarify my point and moved on.

I love the internet because it is the people’s media. Anyone with access to a computer can publish his opinions and beliefs for anyone else in the world with a computer to access. And, at least at this point, it’s tax free (Keep your hands off our internet you evil politicians!). What I’ve learned through the years is that arguments that have the best chance of changing my mind on an issue are the ones that are Scripturally based with a spirit of love. Someone has pointed out…

Truth > Grace  = Fundamentalism (“sever the relationship when needed”)

Grace > Truth = Liberalism (“compromise the truth when needed”)

Jesus = FULL of Grace & Truth (John 1.14)

So I don’t even listen or pay attention to the name-calling, angry, self-proclaimed “discernment” people. Neither do I give any time of day to the “What we believe doesn’t matter as long as we’re sincere and loving” crowd (not that I ever gave them the time of day). I really only want to listen to those who are attempting to produce a truth-filled, grace-saturated articulation of a position on a matter. Show me that and I’m all ears.

Slay the Dragon Early…

We all face various dragons in life. Michael Hyatt shares his wisdom on how to slay the dragon you might be facing today:

 I have learned by experience that my only chance at victory is to slay the dragon while it is still dark. Before the first rays of sunshine strengthen his already substantial advantage.

Fortunately, once again I prevailed. But my victory is short-lived. I will face him again tomorrow. And the day after that.

Although this sounds like a fairy tale, it’s not. It’s my reality, day after day. I face a dragon named Lethargy every morning. It has three heads: Pneuma (spiritual), Soma (physical), and Nous (intellectual).

If I don’t slay this dragon before breakfast, he usually gets the best of me. After breakfast—when the day’s activities are crowding into my life—my chances of doing battle and winning drop dramatically. Sometimes I can emerge victorious. But rarely.”

Read the whole thing HERE.