Josh Hamilton, Addiction, and Worship

Josh Hamilton Beyond Belief

Last year’s best feel good story in Major League Baseball was one of this month’s books for me. I just completed Josh Hamilton’s book Beyond Belief: Finding the Strength to Come Back. Josh was the hottest prospect in baseball when he graduated from high school. He was destined for greatness.  But he threw all that away for drugs. After four years out of baseball, he was able to finally conquer his drug problem and return to the game he loved, quickly rising to the major leagues.

Here is a brief video interview with Josh that summarizes his experience:

The difference between the book and this televised interview is simple: Jesus.

Continue reading Josh Hamilton, Addiction, and Worship

Think about it…

On the last day we stand or fall on the approval of one Person, one Master, the Lord Jesus. – D. A. Carson

I would add…

Our standing or falling is totally dependent on the mercy of one Person, one Master, the Lord Jesus.

This is Fresh: Sermon Jams

On the way to Chicago last month my friends Kurt and Richard introduced me to a new concept: sermon jams. Check it out: sermon jams are clips from sermons set to music. I am totally loading some of these on my iPod for when I go to the gym. Go to iTunes and search for “sermon jams” and you will find sermon jams for Dawson Trotman, Mark Cahill, John Piper, and others. Word is some of our church members are going to do a few sermon jams from my preaching. Not that I believe them. I think they were just making a threat. But that will be interesting. Ever notice how you can’t stand hearing yourself? Somehow I can’t picture myself pumping iron while I’m listening to one of my former sermons set to to a funky beat..yikes! I think I’ll stick to Piper. Peace.

Desiring and Expecting Power from on High

A quote from J. I. Packer has me asking myself this question: How much do I desire and expect God to show up in power when I gather with God’s people to worship? I do not mean by this desiring and expecting fanciful or even spectacular acts which make us ooh and ahh, but rather the power of God’s Spirit showing up to comfort, convict, and challenge us…to meet with us in the depths of our soul and cause us to walk away saying, “I met with God today!”

Here is the quote:

The New Testament writers expect that every Christian community will show forth the power of the Holy Spirit, for to enjoy a rich outpouring of the Holy Spirit is a privilege entailed upon the New Testament church as such. For churches to lack the Spirit’s powerful working in their corporate life is by biblical standards unnatural…”   – Keep in Step with the Spirit, J. I. Packer, p. 200.