For the Love of Bibles: Study Bibles, pt. 4 (tips when selecting)

For the fourth installment of this series of posts on study Bibles, I want to offer some tips regarding selecting a study Bible.

I suppose there are more study Bibles available for purchase than probably any other time in history. If you are interested in getting a study Bible, do your homework before investing. Ask yourself important questions like: What is my purpose for getting a study Bible? Is it to help me understand my Bible as I do my daily Bible reading? Is it to help me prepare for teaching the Bible to my children? Is it for helping prepare a Bible lesson for church? Is it to help me have answers for my skeptical friends? Answering these kinds of questions will help you narrow down the selection available.

Continue reading For the Love of Bibles: Study Bibles, pt. 4 (tips when selecting)